Meet Drake Donovan…

Will dominating Drake, from Maya Banks’s The Enforcers series, be your #EternalBookBoyfriend?


Name: Drake Donovan

Location: New York

Profession:  Owner of Impulse, a highly exclusive night club

Age: Thirties

Height: Tall and imposing

Body type: Powerful and defined, broad and muscled

Hair: Short and dark

Eyes: Liquid brown eyes

Dress sense: Suits and a briefcase, always, showcasing his power and success

In a nutshell: A powerful man obsessed with success, who might possibly be side-lined by exactly the opposite of his desires…

Perfect match: A sweet and innocent woman whose only aim is to please him

Ideal date: An expensive restaurant, with a private booth…

Interests: Dominating professionally and for pleasure

Random fact: Drake grew up dirt-poor, after his mother died when he was eleven

Find him in: Maya Banks’ Enforcers Series (Mastered, Dominated, Kept)