Meet Alexandra Ivy…

Do you have a favourite hero or heroine from your books or by any other author?
Absolutely! My heart will always belong to Levet, the tiny gargoyle from my Guardian series. He’s only three feet tall with delicate fairy wings. He was kicked out of the Gargoyle guild and all the females love him, while the men hate him. In my mind he’s a cross between Pepe Le Pew and Cary Grant and he says all the stuff that we want to, but are too polite to say. I even named my new puppy Levet!
Who are the authors you read for pleasure?
So, so many! Right now I’m finishing up Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series and David Baldacci’s Will Robie. Next up is Sandra Brown. But I read every genre. George RR Martin and Robert Jordan in fantasy. Georgette Heyer and Amanda Quick in historical.
Who would be on your dream dinner party guest list?
Jane Austen, Edgar Allen Poe, and Emily Dickinson.
What are your guilty pleasures?
I live in Missouri where it gets freezing cold in the winter, so my new guilty pleasure is soaking in a hot bubble bath and listening to an audio book. I could stay in there for hours! I’m also addicted to pedicures and cheesecake from New York.